Wednesday 25 July 2007


I apologise for leaving this page so empty. I've been on holiday, and no internet makes blogging very difficult. But I have watched many things, and I will try and get through them as quickly and efficiently as possible.

FILM FIVE: Ginger Snaps
An original, entertaining and quirky independent horror with a lot of bite. *****

FILM SIX: Ginger Snaps Unleashed
Not quite as terrific as the previous film, particularly due to the lack of great actors from the first. Picks up for the end twist. ***

FILM SEVEN: Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning
Taking the film's premise and putting it in the past. Quite interesting, but not for everyone. ***

FILM EIGHT: Donnie Darko
A wonderful mind-fuck of a film with a great soundtrack. *****

FILM NINE: School Of Rock
Hardly the most intelligent film, but fun, exciting and entertaining. ****

FILM TEN: The Breakfast Club
An absolute classic for teenagers, the film is almost a rite of passage itself. *****

An interesting take on a WWII films, but can at times feel tedious. ***

FILM TWELVE: My Summer Of Love
Highly original British love story with very believable performances. ****

FILM THIRTEEN: The Killing Of Sister George
The harsh, gritty storyline juxtaposes well with the cheery ideal of Sister George. ****

A bit of a disappointment, as I thought it was a different film called Crash. Highly controversial, with some spectacular performances. Thandie Newton in particular is excellent. ***

FILM FIFTEEN: Center Stage
Think Fame for a new generation, but with ballet. The dancing is amazing, the acting not so much. ***

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